Thursday, January 26, 2012

You Might be a Jackie Junkie If-

You Might be a Jackie Junkie If-
-If you felt whole body goosebumps listening to her sing
-If you recommended her to almost everyone you know
-If you have to listen to her sing at least (1) song every day
-If you are proud to be a fan of the best singer in the world :)


  1. You Might be a Jackie Junkie If- YES
    -If you felt whole body goosebumps listening to her sing YES
    -If you recommended her to almost everyone you know YES
    -If you have to listen to her sing at least (1) song every day
    -If you are proud to be a fan of the best singer in the world :) YESSSSSSSSS

  2. You Might be a Jackie Junkie If-
    -If you felt whole body goosebumps listening to her sing, I do
    -If you recommended her to almost everyone you know All the time and they think she is awesome.
    -If you have to listen to her sing at least (1) song every day I lisen to more than one song a day.
    -If you are proud to be a fan of the best singer in the world :) I am as she is an angal come from God!
