Jackie's nervousness is the same felt by most great artists before they perform. Its an expression of wanting to do their very best. After all the practice and rehearsals are said and done you step through your fears and allow the miracle of the talent bestowed upon you to take command. Trust in that is trusting in the divine love that is flowing through you when performing. Jackie knows this intuitively and if you've ever seen her perform, you'll know it too. For she's sharing that love with the world every time she steps on stage.
Jackie's nervousness is the same felt by most great artists before they perform. Its an expression of wanting to do their very best. After all the practice and rehearsals are said and done you step through your fears and allow the miracle of the talent bestowed upon you to take command. Trust in that is trusting in the divine love that is flowing through you when performing. Jackie knows this intuitively and if you've ever seen her perform, you'll know it too. For she's sharing that love with the world every time she steps on stage.